Best windows for an old pc/laptop

Karlo Mehmetovic

Mar 14, 2015
So my sister wants to play games like minecraft,paladins,star stable,sims but the problem is that pc/laptop are very old and it has like 1 gigs of ram.
My question is which windows should i put on it,maybe linux distro or i dont know windows xp
BTW is it better to use google chrome on firefox on old computers or there is more lightweight web browser?

thanks in advance
The problem with older versions of Windows is that they eventually die out from security updates. While Windows officially says they continue to "support" an older OS up to a certain date, that does not mean they don't throttle back on security updates. But only having 1GB of memory on that laptop is your problem. You would struggle severely with Windows 7 or 8.1, so I wouldn't bother.

If your sister does not go online, XP is an alternative for such an outdated system. Regarding a Linux variant OS, that is crippled by back end driver and game support, so it's a crap shoot. Yes, you can run a Windows virtual machine through Linux, but again you are dealing with a roll of the dice on how it will perform or even work in games.

The only...
The problem with older versions of Windows is that they eventually die out from security updates. While Windows officially says they continue to "support" an older OS up to a certain date, that does not mean they don't throttle back on security updates. But only having 1GB of memory on that laptop is your problem. You would struggle severely with Windows 7 or 8.1, so I wouldn't bother.

If your sister does not go online, XP is an alternative for such an outdated system. Regarding a Linux variant OS, that is crippled by back end driver and game support, so it's a crap shoot. Yes, you can run a Windows virtual machine through Linux, but again you are dealing with a roll of the dice on how it will perform or even work in games.

The only game I'm familiar with you mention is Minecraft, and it can be very taxing on hardware. Regarding browsers, I use Firefox and Slimjet. I find Slimjet lighter on resources than Firefox, but it doesn't support some media encoding formats meaning you may have issues playing some videos.