I5-8400 for gaming

Nope. Unless you failed in putting its stock cooler on and/or putting it inside a case with zero airflow, the 8400 will not have trouble boosting to its TB specs instead.


From the gaming benchmarks Toms has done, two Intel chips get my vote. The 8400, and the 7700K. The 7700 will perform better with the OCing it can do, but the 8400 is SO close when everything is stock. You will have a good gaming machine with either CPU.

MCE is an option (if XMP is enabled) unrelated to an unlocked multiplier restriction, merely allowing the MB to apply the turbo freq to all cores. It (MCE) does work on Asus boards with the 8400, as reported by several reviewers....

There has already been a minor debated 'controversy' over this option being called 'cheating' , as clearly if on by default, it would boost one MB's results over another with such a feature off by default, which is the case...



Can you actually quote some results that actually shows 8400 that stays at 4Ghz TurboBoost clock with load on all 6 cores?

Because I'm pretty sure I know the "controversy" you mentioned and only the 3rd rate reviewers and their uninformed viewers would actually fall for such results. Any half-decent reviewer would already make sure that those options stay off to establish the true baseline between different MB before testing and/or comparing anything.