NAT type problem


Apr 18, 2015
I'm having problems with my nat type i have a netgear ac1750 r6400 and when i plug in my computer and PS4 into the wall jack with an ethernet cord and i get nat type 2 but when i use my router i get nat type 3 i tried to port foward and turned on upnp but so far nothing is happening is there any solution i could get maybe get a modem router combo or a new router to talk to my apartment complex about it
If you are plugging a ethernet port directly into the wall it means the apartment complex has equipment in the path to the internet. You can only go 100 meters on ethernet which is not enough to reach off the apartment property.

This is very hard to say since there are so many variations in how apartments setup internet. The key thing would be the address your computer was getting when it was plugged into the wall. If you issue a IPCONFIG command you should see the ip address. I would use a site like whatsmyip and see if the ip you see matches what you see in your pc. If it does not then there is a router doing NAT in the path. You can not have 2 routers (ie yours and the apartments) and get things like port mapping and...
If you are plugging a ethernet port directly into the wall it means the apartment complex has equipment in the path to the internet. You can only go 100 meters on ethernet which is not enough to reach off the apartment property.

This is very hard to say since there are so many variations in how apartments setup internet. The key thing would be the address your computer was getting when it was plugged into the wall. If you issue a IPCONFIG command you should see the ip address. I would use a site like whatsmyip and see if the ip you see matches what you see in your pc. If it does not then there is a router doing NAT in the path. You can not have 2 routers (ie yours and the apartments) and get things like port mapping and UPnP to work.

If the ip matches then the problem is something strange with the router. It should work to do UPnP, you could also try to put the PS4 in the DMZ.
There is really nothing you can do when the problem is in a router you have no access to. If the IP addresses are private IP will they just allow you to use a switch. Your equipment could share the wall jack without a router...using only the aparment complex router. There is some security risk since your machines are now on the same network as other people in the apartment complex. It is actually somewhat surprising that UPnP works when it is shared between multiple apartments. If someone else wanted to use the same game using the same ports whoever got it first would win.

Unfortunately there is no real fix to this if you do not have a actual internet IP address assigned to your router. The only messy solution is to use a VPN service that will give you a static IP. These are not real common, and sometime it is cheaper to build your own VPN service using one of the many VPS rental places and load a VPN server on it. Most the VPS you get a your own IP but there are caps on the traffic...depends how much you pay.