Laptop for 144hz monitor

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Aug 14, 2017
I was just wondering. I have this laptop,seller:8438988&hl=en-us&lsft=gclid:Cj0KCQiAi7XQBRDnARIsANeLIetVlBR9BXHKh-GT5_1-PvOh5OxMJ7UsSDmeJHpthwdnY-RnJxzGLe0aAmA6EALw_wcB&prds=oid:13519283257201888621&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjtvdeFs8PXAhUq5IMKHaY3DP0QsIwCCAU and was thinking of buying a 144hz monitor, will i able be to play cs go and dota on 144hz monitor with gtx 960m with good fps and stuff?. if not whats the best monitor i could buy to be able to play my games smoothly.
See link below for GTX 960m game benchmarks. The GTX 960m is not really considered to be a powerful gaming GPU. When it was released last year, it was considered to be the least powerful GPU that would qualify as a "gaming GPU" if you were to ask hardcore gamers.

DOTA 2 and especially CSGO are not very demanding games. The benchmarks showed the GTX 960m was able to get 83 FPS or 119 FPS at 1080p and ultra settings with two different laptops both of which has a quad core i7 CPU. Don't know why there is such a big difference in performance. It could basically be the result of the individual components in the motherboard's design. DOTA 2 is using the Source 2 engine...
See link below for GTX 960m game benchmarks. The GTX 960m is not really considered to be a powerful gaming GPU. When it was released last year, it was considered to be the least powerful GPU that would qualify as a "gaming GPU" if you were to ask hardcore gamers.

DOTA 2 and especially CSGO are not very demanding games. The benchmarks showed the GTX 960m was able to get 83 FPS or 119 FPS at 1080p and ultra settings with two different laptops both of which has a quad core i7 CPU. Don't know why there is such a big difference in performance. It could basically be the result of the individual components in the motherboard's design. DOTA 2 is using the Source 2 engine. CSGO is still using the Source 1 engine which is less demanding than Source 2 so performance will be better. However, Valve did state that CSGO will be switching over to the Source 2 engine. That will likely happen sometime next year.
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