Why do games look so much smoother on YouTube?


Feb 28, 2017
I don't know if this is just me, but whenever I watch a gameplay video on YouTube at 1080p 60fps, it looks really smooth. Now whenever I play that game at 60fps, it looks a whole lot less smooth. I have a 60hz display, so in theory, the two shouldn't look any different. Why is this?

You got the answer already, theyre encodet. How the videos basically function is that they display all 60 frames for an exact 60th of a second on your screen, so it looks awesome. If you play a game and your pc tells you it runs at 60 fps it may does that, but your gpu cpu aka your pc has to actually create those images for you to see and that is a stuttering mess. Some frames may take more than one 60th of a second and others have to be cut short to...


Dec 3, 2017

You got the answer already, theyre encodet. How the videos basically function is that they display all 60 frames for an exact 60th of a second on your screen, so it looks awesome. If you play a game and your pc tells you it runs at 60 fps it may does that, but your gpu cpu aka your pc has to actually create those images for you to see and that is a stuttering mess. Some frames may take more than one 60th of a second and others have to be cut short to even it out again. The encoder on youtube twitch or whatever takes this cluttered mess and irons it out so you get smooth 60 fps videos. Vsync is an option that does the same on your gameplay but most of the time it doesnt work well or needs massive hardware on new games. Its kind of impossible to run a game that isnt like 10 years old and absolutely optimized without a monster of a pc in 60 fps+ vsync at a constant real 60 fps like a youtube video.
This is not in depht or anything, theres a lot of wizardry happening that would take hours to explain, and so many different solutions to achive different ..best.. images so i hope this explanation helps a little bit.