Selling a GPU, need opinions

I always start by offering it to people I know. Depending on how many family/friends you have, it seems like someone always wants to buy things like a decent gaming card. You might not have to list it anywhere or deal with any strangers. Don't over think this. If you're looking for a method that brings you top dollar but costs you nothing and carries no risk and requires the least effort on your part then you're expecting too much. If you want to sell it fast, lower the price. If you want low risk, pay the fees.

For a Buy it Now listing, eBay's fees start around 10%, plus about another 3% for paypal, which would be $13 off a $100 sale, plus whatever it costs to ship the card. Still, even if the total fees and shipping added up to over 20% of the sale cost, that might still be a reasonable way to sell it. The only cheaper method you're likely to come across would be something like craigslist, though you would be limited to your local area which would in turn limit your ability to find a buyer, potentially resulting in you needing to charge less anyway.
I always start by offering it to people I know. Depending on how many family/friends you have, it seems like someone always wants to buy things like a decent gaming card. You might not have to list it anywhere or deal with any strangers. Don't over think this. If you're looking for a method that brings you top dollar but costs you nothing and carries no risk and requires the least effort on your part then you're expecting too much. If you want to sell it fast, lower the price. If you want low risk, pay the fees.