Problem with performance with my alienware 15r3 laptop playing minecraft

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Dec 11, 2017
I have problems with my alienware 15r3 laptop that arrived a week ago. Ok so here is the problem: the performance is not as good as I thought it would be considering that my specs are : gtx 1070 8gb, 16 gb ram, 256 ssd, 1tb hard drive, i7 7700hq cpu, and that is about all the specs that affect gaming performance I think.

So I decided to go see how minecraft would run on this laptop expecting 300-400 fps without optifine. But nope I got 90-100 fps without optifine. I then got optifine and got around 90-130 fps and would constantly drop to 60 and even 50.

The settings I used in minecraft were 16 render distance, and everything else to highest settings. I have a friend who has worse specs on a laptop than me but manages to get around 600-700 fps on minecraft when I cant even reach 120 most of the time due to this weird issue. I also tried 32 render distance and the game kept on freezing as well but I know that 32 render distance is a bit much when you think about it, but I should be able to play at 32 render distance if I wanted to when I payed almost $2000 for a gaming laptop that can not even run minecraft at over 200 fps?

However, when I look down in minecraft the fps increases to like 400-500 with the same settings. idk why.

I have tried every everything from updating my drivers, making sure my gtx 1070 is being used instead of integrated graphics, temps are fine (but fans do kick in a lot) I did everything in NVidia control panel to make it work but It just did not have any affect on the fps I was getting. Please someone help me because this is really bugging me.


Question from nabeelausa : "Problem with performance with my alienware 15r3 laptop playing minecraft"



Dec 11, 2017
Nope it did not do a thing even with the high performance setting. I am going to try gta v on this laptop once it is done downloading and once that is done I will see the benchmarks. If it is horrible like 30 fps I'm returning this laptop maybe wait until something better comes around.

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