Ryzen 3 Overclocking Help


Apr 12, 2017
Here is the scenario. Im running a Ryzen 3 1200 on a MSI B350M Gaming Pro Motherboard with a stock cooler. Ive seen multiple people say they have been able to hit 3.9ghz at 1.29v, so I tried it myself. Wont even boot into windows. So i worked my way down from 3.9 to 3.8, and it booted into windows, but crashed as soon as i started up cinebench. From 3.8 i went to 3.7, which booted into windows, and ran perfectly. So i called it a night and went to bed. The next morning i turned my pc back on, ran cinebench and checked hwmonitor just to be safe, and it underclocked itself to 1.55ghz. Why? No clue. I restarted it multiple times, i even went back to deafults on core clock and voltage and it was perfectly fine. So any ideas? Is 1.29 too much for 3.7ghz? Thanks beforehand.
download ryzen master, which will tell you the correct clock speed.
every chip is different, their voltage and clock speed may not work for you. try 3.7 and 1.3v, and test with prime95, monitor cpu temp, kill test if >85 during stress test and downclock/decrease voltage.
unstable is usually caused by too low voltage, not the other way around. 1.45v is absolute boundary not crossing, 1.35v is recommended upper bound for thermal reason. Just try 3.7 and 1.3v, if prime95 stress test 1 hour is fine, try reducing voltage or increase speed, until you feel comfortable. I will say ~3.7 is good speed with stock cooler on that motherboard. My 1600 is running 3.8 with stock cooler on the same mb. Aim is to remain stable with lowest voltage.
download ryzen master, which will tell you the correct clock speed.
every chip is different, their voltage and clock speed may not work for you. try 3.7 and 1.3v, and test with prime95, monitor cpu temp, kill test if >85 during stress test and downclock/decrease voltage.
unstable is usually caused by too low voltage, not the other way around. 1.45v is absolute boundary not crossing, 1.35v is recommended upper bound for thermal reason. Just try 3.7 and 1.3v, if prime95 stress test 1 hour is fine, try reducing voltage or increase speed, until you feel comfortable. I will say ~3.7 is good speed with stock cooler on that motherboard. My 1600 is running 3.8 with stock cooler on the same mb. Aim is to remain stable with lowest voltage.