Live boot stuck at _ and black screen when trying to install - Parrotsec

Rupansh Sekar

Jul 30, 2015
Hi my pc is a bit old so i decided to switch to linux. I decided on Parrotsec and yes It does satisfy my requirements. Anyways I made a bootable USB drive using YUMI, restarted went to boot menu and booted using my usb drive. Now when i selected Install , for a while i saw the parrot sec backgroud and then it went black. My monitor for some reason was still receiving signal. When I clicked power button I didn't need to hold it and it rebooted quickly. Next I tried Live boot only to find that I was stuck at "_" which kept on blinking. This time I had to hold PowerButton. I need your help guys. TIA! I have normal BIOS if that helps.
As Rocky was suggesting, these infosec distro's are not really meant to be "installed" as the main distro but either ran live, or in a virtual machine. Even though they are meant for the security industry, they are really not very safe distro's to run as a main distro because everything typically runs as the root user.

I'd suggest that you run something like Linux Mint as your main distro, then install ParrotSec in a VM using VirtualBox.

Rupansh Sekar

Jul 30, 2015

Hi as I said ParrotSec was satisfying my requirements specifically so that I don't get replies like these. It would have been pure drag to install the packages I needed in Ubuntu so yeah parrotsec for my requirements. Anyways back to the topic, Apparently my Old pc has a sh**ty motherboard which does not have proper support for USB boot. I installed it using CD though. and I wonder how is your answer even relevant to the question I asked. Like if a distro is not installing then try another one? that doesn't even make sense. Sorry for being a little blunt but I was seriously annoyed by your "answer".


Jan 15, 2005
As Rocky was suggesting, these infosec distro's are not really meant to be "installed" as the main distro but either ran live, or in a virtual machine. Even though they are meant for the security industry, they are really not very safe distro's to run as a main distro because everything typically runs as the root user.

I'd suggest that you run something like Linux Mint as your main distro, then install ParrotSec in a VM using VirtualBox.