coolermaster masterwatt 750

Not bad,not great either. Can't say if it's an improvement over the Cooler Master,they seem pretty equal in performance and build quality. Biggest difference might be the primary cap which afaik with Cooler Master comes from Teapo (@85C) and with EVGA from Nippon Chemicon (@105C,which is better anyway),but the rest of the caps seem pretty equal.
Saw the next where Jon from ones jonnyguru,now Corsair,says that the fan is probably the first to go.
Looking at the fans specs as the Cooler master the better fan with a life expectancy of 160.000 hours where the EVGA fan seems to have one of 80.000 hours.The last one is at 40C,the first i'm not sure of so might be 25C as well.

The EVGA is btw not...

Vic 40

It's not great,but not utterly bad as well. The biggest concern are the capacitors used when building it and how long they will last.

For what parts? Don't stare too much at the wattage of a psu,for most builds nowadays is a good quality 550watt (sometimes even 450watt) already enough and might be as cheap as the above Cooler Master.
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From everything I've found, it's solidly mediocre. For office use it'd be great. For gaming use, not so much. But nowadays a quality 650w is as much as needed for a really high end OC system, 450-550w will cover the majority of gaming systems.

Higher wattage doest mean higher quality. Or a better psu.
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Feb 18, 2015
thanks for the responses.i know that its not the wattage that matters but its in discount thats why i considered specs are in the signature.i ll propably go for the evga 650 bq gold

Vic 40

Not bad,not great either. Can't say if it's an improvement over the Cooler Master,they seem pretty equal in performance and build quality. Biggest difference might be the primary cap which afaik with Cooler Master comes from Teapo (@85C) and with EVGA from Nippon Chemicon (@105C,which is better anyway),but the rest of the caps seem pretty equal.
Saw the next where Jon from ones jonnyguru,now Corsair,says that the fan is probably the first to go.
Looking at the fans specs as the Cooler master the better fan with a life expectancy of 160.000 hours where the EVGA fan seems to have one of 80.000 hours.The last one is at 40C,the first i'm not sure of so might be 25C as well.

The EVGA is btw not gold,but bronze efficiency rated. Well some and maybe too much info,but there you go. ;)