Weird Mobo Problems With RAM


Dec 28, 2017
Hi I haven’t posted anything on here before, but I have a problem with my Mobo and ram and here it is, I have a Inspiron 545 Mobo, working fine, with ddr2 ram that I lifted from an old system. A few weeks ago I was switching around my component configuration. My gpu was going crazy, nothing too weird just getting slow, so I switched it, beyond the point, so I was moving ram and my ram slots to say the least, were “picky”... certain dimms only worked in “their slot”. Such as d1 d2 d3 and d4 were in slots 1 2 3 and 4 so I switched 1 and 2 and then i get a 4 beep ram read write error. Then a while later 2 slots stop working with the same error. Such as 3 and 4 and I have a lot of ram dimms lying around so I tried different dimms and same thing. I have NEVER seen anything like this before and I’ve looked around so I was reaching out to y’all! I hope I can figure this out. - Aiden


Mixing and matching RAM DIMMs is generally inadvisable. Different DIMMs run at different speeds and have different timings. Beyond boot failure, it can cause instability inside Windows. If you are able to boot with one DIMM, I would add another and document it's speed and timings in BIOS. I would then repeat this for any other DIMMs to determine their capacities, speeds, and timings then try to make a call on which configuration to go with.