How do I Dual Boot Linux alongside Windows 10 with These Conditions?


I'm a newbie when it comes to dual booting, but at least I succeeded in dual booting once.
I just bought a new laptop with Windows 10. I am thinking on dual booting Linux (Probably Kali or BackBox because they are among the best Linux for ethical hacking) alongside it. These are my conditions as of now:
1) My laptop doesn't have any internal optical drive.
2) My external optical drive is currently being borrowed and will be back two weeks from now.
3) I have no USB drive available for installation media (and I'm not going to buy a new one if it's just used for dual booting and nothing more).
4) I am currently outside of my house and can't use other systems to set up dual booting.
5) I have only 1 hard drive (but I know how to create multiple partitions).
Do you know any possible way of dual booting with these conditions apply?
And one more thing, does dual booting work for 3 OS?
I appreciate any help for this.

*It's good to be back to the community after being inactive for almost a year.
simple answer UNETBOOTIN

BTW: if first time trying to use Linux, Kali isn't for you .. don't say I did not warn you when you post my system is messed up and need help reinstalling windows 10 without a usb (btw you need one for that purpose)

Another solution, virtualbox from oracle ( running in windows 10, and then run kali on it or any other version of Linux or other os you want ... and even can use pre done VDi's to save time. (
simple answer UNETBOOTIN

BTW: if first time trying to use Linux, Kali isn't for you .. don't say I did not warn you when you post my system is messed up and need help reinstalling windows 10 without a usb (btw you need one for that purpose)

Another solution, virtualbox from oracle ( running in windows 10, and then run kali on it or any other version of Linux or other os you want ... and even can use pre done VDi's to save time. (


+The Paladin
UNetbootin? Interesting, even though I don't know if it allows dual booting from the same drive. I'll give it a try.
Don't worry. This is not the first time I use Linux, but this will be the first time i use Kali.

I tried using Virtualbox Machine. It was pretty good, but I don't think my 4GB RAM would be able to handle Virtualbox for long, so I just use it to test some OS.