Is GTX 1050 zotac mini a good upgrade


Dec 30, 2017
Hello friends,

My current gpu is a and HD 7770, it is a decent card but just ain’t enough to run the latest games like bf1 and PUBG to atleast medium settings. Now money is tight so I must compromise with a GTX 1050 Zotac mini card. My question is is the upgrade from the 7770 to gtx 1050 enough to merit the purchase? I checked our hierarchy chart for gpus and it seems like a noticeable upgrade. But if it is small upgrade in reality just a few FPS more and maybe a jump up on graphic settings from low to medium I think maybe I should wait.

Any advice is welcome!

Thanks for your timej
The 1050 is more or less the equivalent of a 7870 in raw power so its a 2 card jump if you were still in that era

Fact is though newer titles are better optimised for currenr nvidia chipsets tham they are for 3 gen old amd ones so the performance hike is a little more substantial than it should be on paper

Youre probably looking at a jump from low to medium as well as a 10-15fps increase aswell minimum depending on the game title

The 1050 is more or less the equivalent of a 7870 in raw power so its a 2 card jump if you were still in that era

Fact is though newer titles are better optimised for currenr nvidia chipsets tham they are for 3 gen old amd ones so the performance hike is a little more substantial than it should be on paper

Youre probably looking at a jump from low to medium as well as a 10-15fps increase aswell minimum depending on the game title

In performance gains, yes it's worth it. Certain games will go from basically unplayable on the 7770 to very playable on the 1050(assuming you have a CPU up to the task).

However, the 1050 has 2gb vram, in certain games that might limit you to low settings, maybe some medium if you're lucky. PUBG uses A LOT of vram.


Dec 30, 2017
Thank you friends,

You aren’t kidding about how much vram is used on pubg, I was honestly surprised how smooth the game ran on the 7770 1gb that I currently have, the game must be more optimized than in the past. All the test I’ve ran shows the 1050 should have close to double the performance of the 7770. I ordered it and should be getting it the 8th of January. I’ll update this post when I get the new card for reference for anyone else with the same question I have.

Happy New Years friends!