How to connect to a camera system that is connected to another router?


Apr 28, 2017
I have a dvr with some security cameras. I have a setup of 3 routers, all connected to each other. I have the dvr connected in router 3. How can I acces it from a computer connected in router 3 o router 1.

This is the thing, the software this device comes from can only scan the network the dvr is directly connected to. But I think that if I can make the 3 routers as 1 big network I can go around this limtation.
If you use the other 2 routers as AP your network will be one large network.

The issue when you run mulitple routers is the NAT. It is the same problem if you wanted to access something from the internet. It is the same solution, you put in port forwarding rules. The main issue will be is if mulitple devices are all using the same port...which cameras tend to do.

Unless there is a reason to use mulitple routers reconfiguring them to run as AP will make life much simpler.


Apr 28, 2017

Can you elaborate about port forwarding I'm not much of a network guy.