PC has high specs, but still gets low performance


Jan 7, 2018
So, i have a custom build that i update regularly:

CPU: AMD fx-9590 8 core 4.7 ghz
GPU: Radeon rx 480 8gb (2 of them)
CPU Cooler: Thermatake water 3.0
Memory: 16 gb (4 gb x4)
PSU: 1000 watt p2 series
Motherboard: ASRock 970 performance 3.1
Storage: 1TB crucial ssd
Wifi: TP link archer T9e
OS: Windows 10 home

Even though i max out performance, i still get very bad lag spikes in vr games like job simulator, and pc games like pubg, cod, and even minecraft!

Ive been having this problem for a long time, but recently its gotten to the point where my mouse will lag when opening programs like chrome. It also has a tendency to bluescreen unexpectly (irql_not_less_or_equal, kernel_mode_exception_not_handled) I've updated drivers several times, to no avail. Ive also cut startup programs down to the bone, with nothing but windows 10 and windows 10 security on startup.