Coffee Lake Vs Ryzen post meltdown patch


Jul 6, 2016
I've been considering building a new gaming system for a few months now. I eventually decided on the Intel i5-8400 for the processor over the Ryzen 5 1600. However, I've heard that Intel CPUs are now taking a performance hit due to the meltdown patch that must be installed. What I want to know is, since the patch, will the Ryzen 5 1600 consistently out perform the i5 8400?


Well in terms of gaming there was really no performance drop at all from what I have read, the biggest performance hit seems to be to NVME storage 4k read performance. So if the 8400 was outperforming the 1600 in the games you play pre patch it should still do so post patch.


For PC gaming this chip scare wouldn't influence my choice of CPU at all; the mostly affected areas of computing are things like enterprise/cloud/extreme computing. It's also not like Intel will just simply ignore this issue and AMD processors are affected as well. I would still go with the Coffee Lake i5 for gaming, it trumps Ryzen if you are looking at just game FPS.