External hard drive not recognized


Mar 8, 2015
Today my external harddrive just stopped working. I tried to run a game I have installed on there and it told me it can no longer find it. Went to check and my whole disk couldn't be found anymore. It shows up as "unknown device" on the device manager and uninstalling and reinstalling drivers from there yields no useful result.

Is my driver just dead?
Yes, your drive is probably dead but in order to be certain you have to test it on another system. If it still isn't recognised then I'm afraid its dead. Finally you still have option of testing the drive with some software and checking its condition. Your drive's manufacturer should provide such software in its site. You can also download Crystal Disk Info. It will give you the health status of your drive but only if it's able to recognise it.
Yes, your drive is probably dead but in order to be certain you have to test it on another system. If it still isn't recognised then I'm afraid its dead. Finally you still have option of testing the drive with some software and checking its condition. Your drive's manufacturer should provide such software in its site. You can also download Crystal Disk Info. It will give you the health status of your drive but only if it's able to recognise it.