music production and processors.


Dec 15, 2016
what's the best processor i can get for producing music on my pc? do i get an up to date intel i3 processor for example, or should i be savvy and buy a celeron or an old 5/6th generation intel chip? i have a budget of about £150, so any help would be appreciated.
You can step all the way up to a 7th Gen i7.

A quick look showed a Kaby Lake i5 for about $189.

Your RAM is ok but i'd update the CPU first to give you more processing power than that Pentium.
If you're not gaming then what CPU speed does for you is speed up your work. A Celeron, for example, can do the same things an i5 can, they'll just take longer. Time, as they say, is money. If you don't mind a computer that's a bit slow to do things, then a Celeron is an option.

In games this isn't true. That's because game performance, frames per second, is very dependent on CPU speed. Dropping below a certain level makes the game unplayable. Dropping below a certain level in music production just means everything takes longer.

Personally, I can't stand doing anything on a slow computer. Those little waits for this and that all add up over time.


Dec 15, 2016
i am using audacity and cubase for my audio production. i have an intel chipset motherboard so i guess its and i3 then, after all the pentium chip i bought - even though it has two cores and four threads, is slow. i just wanted to put it out there so i can decide which is best.