Need suggestion for upgrade my PC


Jan 24, 2018
Ok,i have I3-6100 processor & ASUS STRIX GEFORCE® GTX 950 . Now, I want to upgrade one of them. If processor my budget enough to buying Core i5-6600 and If i buy VGA first my budget enough for buying Asus GTX 1050 Ti 4GB DDR5 EX . So, my budget is about 240 US dollar.

btw, I'm casual gamer, now i love to play PUBG and i get 55 - 70 FPS . Maybe, i 'm going to buy assassin's creed origins if my pc spec after upgrade is good enough.

So, which one should i upgrade first ? sorry for my bad english

Based on your budget and location. The best you can do is either a GeForce GTX 1060 3GB or Core i5-7500. As either come in at around Rp 3,000,000. Looking at pricing on I don't know if there are better resellers in Indonesia.

In gaming you'll get a better performance increase upgrading the GPU in most games. Although there are some which are unplayable with your current CPU. For those CPU hungry games the i5-7500 will make those games playable.

Given the general performance increase of the...


Jan 24, 2018

In my country that processor is $336.19.

I'm playing PUBG and DOTA 2, Thanks for your suggestion by the way

The GeForce GTX 1050 Ti is a minor upgrade over a GTX 950.

To better help you. Answer these questions.
- What is your country?
- What is your total budget, GPU plus CPU?
- What is the make and model of your Motherboard, Case and Power Supply? Make refers to manufacturer. Model refers to the model number.
- If your computer is pre-built by a major manufacturer. For example Dell or HP. Then we need the make and full model number.
- What is your primary purpose for the upgrade? Gaming, general use or some other productivity task. We would need to know if CPU or GPU performance is the priority.


Mar 3, 2017
u have pretty nice fps for a gtx 950 so that means u can keep ur cpu and maybe do a bclk overclock to get more performance from it and SELL ur current gpu and get a gtx 1060 pretty expensive now but its worth it, I went from rx 460 to a gtx 1060 and its NIGHT AND DAY!

both are heavily cpu orientated, i Own a i5 6600 myself but If im in your position , I would have saved up more and get the best. It will give a fps bump (altough I never sink below 144 fps in games like dota 2) and the hyperthreading is nice for rendering and streaming. Your call


Jan 24, 2018

I'm from indonesia,
my budget is about 240 US dollar, so only GPU or CPU
psu Enlight Sniper Power 450W , motherboard BIOSTAR Group H110MH PRO D4.

Well, i do many thing in my computer . Like Coding and gaming


Based on your budget and location. The best you can do is either a GeForce GTX 1060 3GB or Core i5-7500. As either come in at around Rp 3,000,000. Looking at pricing on I don't know if there are better resellers in Indonesia.

In gaming you'll get a better performance increase upgrading the GPU in most games. Although there are some which are unplayable with your current CPU. For those CPU hungry games the i5-7500 will make those games playable.

Given the general performance increase of the i5-7500. That it is necessary for some games to function. I'd lean towards upgrading your CPU first.

Also you have to consider your PSU. The Enlight Sniper Power 450W is an extremely low quality unit. It may burn out trying to run a GTX 1060. Ruining your entire computer.

I don't know what your used market is like. I'd sell your i3-6100 after upgrading the CPU. Use that money to buy a higher quality PSU. Sell the old PSU. Then save up until you can buy a decent video card upgrade (minimum GTX 1060).
GTX1050ti is only one tier higher than a GTX950 on tom's gpu hierarchy chart.
Not much of an upgrade, they recommend three tiers higher.,4388.html
You are looking at GTX1060 which is about the strongest card your psu will support.

Run this test:
Run YOUR games, but lower your resolution and eye candy.
If your FPS increases, it indicates that your cpu is strong enough to drive a better graphics configuration.
If your FPS stays the same, you are likely more cpu limited.

I3-6100 is a nice processor.
Passmark rating is 5943 when all threads are fully utilized and 2108 for a single thread.
Usually, the single thread performance is most important for games.
The proposed I5-6600 has a rating of 7754/2097. Really more of a sideways change.
You might do better with a I3-7320 with a 6566/2389 rating, but that is not such a big jump either.
The strongest processor your motherboard will support is a I7-7700K running at stock. 12083/2582
For truly faster processing, look towards an overclocked K suffix processor which will require a new motherboard and perhaps DDR4 ram.


Aug 24, 2015

An i7 is overkill for a 1050Ti, which by the sounds of it, that will be the posters future upgrade. I'm guessing they have either a H or Z 1 series motherboard (H110 or Z170) because he's using a 6th gen i3.

I recommend a used i5 6500 or a used i7 6700 if they need HT. Use the saved cash for a GTX1060 later.