Amd and intel


Mar 26, 2016
Thinking of upgrading to an intel CPU. Currently have an fx9590 which ok it does the job but just thought I'd go with a change. Has anyone gone from amd to an intel and really noticed a difference. I'm not talking benmarks, I'm sure intel will win all the time but I'm not building a pc just to benchmark only for gaming. I want to know about temps. Currently my fx9590 runs 32c idle and no more than 46c when gaming using the corsair h100gtx aio water cooler. My friend has an intel machine and the temps were insane like 70c under load. I know intel can handle the hotter temps but what's the difference from intel having a 90c max temp and amd having a 70? There is still 20c difference from there max temps. Cooler is better right? Just want to know before I spend that much switching will I really notice a difference. I'm not interested in intel fans who think intel is the best thing ever I would like answers from people who have switched. I see it like this, Ferrari never advertise there cars, they sell themselves just like Amd I've never seen an advert on tv about amd. Ford on the other had ill see an advert once a week just like intel adverts. Amd and intel users I would like both thoughts, temps you get, problems you find with both cpus. Anyone gone amd from intel?


Jan 13, 2018
I ran a computer repair business in the past. I can tell you that I saw far more CPU/MB failures when it came to AMD. For that reason I've never build one myself. I also feel the ones I've used seem a bit more sluggish compared to their Intel counterparts.

On the flip side though, they are MUCH cheaper and it isn't fair to say that Intel are amazing...they have their faults too

It really just depends on your requirements. Another point... I used to refurb PCs too and found Intel to be much more commercial for selling onwards.
Make and model of components is only thing that distinguishes quality in any system, AMD or Intel or whatever.
You are lucky to run fx9590 at those temps as it's really a pig when it comes to power consumption, up to 220W as compared to 8350 at 125W.
AMD came up with some amazing CPUs with Ryzen and price/performance at least equals that of Intel and surpasses it in most segments.
Unless you want to OC (much) both makes supply good enough coolers for models coming with them, some, like Ryzen "x" models for instance do not come with CPU coolers-