Need help finding RAM under my budget


Feb 10, 2018
Hey, I need help finding ram of DDR3 that is either 8 or 16 that can fit into two ram slots i need it to be Desktop ram and under my budget of 30 (I know its small) if you can find a reliable website that sells really cheap ram that isnt a scam it will be very helpfull, Thanks.
You wont be finding new RAM for that price most likely. Your best bet is either on ebay or another used parts seller, or look around where you live for either a 2nd hand computer parts store or a computer donation center that has a shop for some cheap RAM.
You wont be finding new RAM for that price most likely. Your best bet is either on ebay or another used parts seller, or look around where you live for either a 2nd hand computer parts store or a computer donation center that has a shop for some cheap RAM.