Graphic Card Order


Aug 26, 2012
Of these three cards, what order would they be in for slowest to fastest?
GTX 1060 6GB
GTX 980 4GB
RX-580 4GB

All gaming would be done at 1080p on a 60HZ monitor.


Aug 26, 2012

That's a good way to compare game by game for the few they have listed. Thanks.
But I wonder overall if they are in that same order: 980 > 1060 > 580?
If one card gets you 60fps with a game, and the other card gets you 56fps with the same game, I guess you could say that technically the first card is faster. In reality, they are the same. If you saw two monitors side by side running that game and someone asked you which one was 60fps and which was 56fps, you'd have to guess because they'd look the same.

In a situation like that I'd look at my needs. Do I have the power supply to power even the most power hungry card, or do I need to pick an efficient card? Which one cost less? That's how I'd decide. I wouldn't worry about 3 or 4 frames per second differences.