need suggestions for a game purchase


Mar 25, 2015
So I've managed to save up quite a bit for 3-4 AAA games and wanted suggestions on the best possible game purchases at this point

I recently played Ghost Recon Wildlands and absolutely LOVED it ! Was wondering if there are any more open world shooters like those - weapon and gear upgrades, freedom of choosing missions, stellar graphics and a good storyline.Not looking for multiplayer titles as i already have PUBG and CSGO on my steam ID.

Need suggestions for games like these (GRW) as I'm a bit of a novice here.. what titles should I pick up ?

I have a gtx 1060 6G powering a 768p display (dont ask :p) so pretty sure i ccan run anything on my rig comfortably
Buy one now, as by the time you start to move on from that there will be other games, or the others will have reduced in price or have DLC offers, game of the year editions etc.
Really depends on what you've already played. I loved GRW too, and felt it was easily the best game of 2017. To fit open world shooter category though, you pretty much have to go back to games like GTA V, Fallout 4, MSGV: Phantom Pain, and the Far Cry series, if you want currently available titles.

That said, there are some titles coming out that fit the open world shooter description. Far Cry 5 (3/27), Metro Exodus (Q4 2018) and Anthem (Q1 2019). All these look to be great games. Previous Metro games have not been open world.

Open world shooters have been far and few between, because it is a hard type of game to get right. You invariably have to have at least some linearity to it for the story to unfold as it needs to, which is why many missions are locked in GRW until you progress to a certain point.

The good thing is, there's enough decent open world shooters that have been made recently, to make more dev teams give it a go. They are finally starting to gain more confidence in making them. I just hope Bioware's Anthem is better than ME Andromeda turned out to be. The trailer looks good, but you can't really go by trailers alone.


Mar 25, 2015

yeah played GTA V and the ones you said :p
so sadly ill have to wait atleast a month up until FC5 releases :(

if you could suggest something else in the meanwhile would love to try it out

Recently I've played RE 7, Wolfenstein 2, Call of Duty WWII, The Evil Within 2, Dishonored 2, Doom 2016, Titanfall 2, and Sniper Elite 4. None of those are open world shooters, but most are worth playing. The ones I liked best were Wolf 2, Doom 2016, and Titanfall 2. CoD WWII and Sniper Elite 4 were OK, but TEW 2 and Dishonored 2 kinda disappointing. Also tried Prey but haven't gotten into it very far. It's not nearly as good as the first Prey IMO.



Mar 25, 2015

wolf 2 and titanfall 2 look good..ill give them a shot ive played most of the others though
Also is dishonored 2 a direct sequel ? if not I might try that as well