DRAM Voltage is in red text


Aug 11, 2015
I bought new DDR4-3200 Ram but my motherboard defaulted the clock speed to 2133. Upon doing some research I figured out how to change that under Load XMP setting. I changed the frequency to 3200 which made DRAM Volatage go up to 1.350V, and the text turned red, which seems bad.
I kept it and everything seems to be running fine, so does anyone know what that means?
Here is a picture of my bios screen, its hard to see the red text because its highlighted, but that box is the one I was talking about.
Perfectly fine , just means you're running more than default voltage which is always 1.2v for ddr4.

Pretty much any ram out there running more than 2666 has xmp profiles with 1.35v which is perfectly safe & has been tested at that voltage by the manufacturer.
Perfectly fine , just means you're running more than default voltage which is always 1.2v for ddr4.

Pretty much any ram out there running more than 2666 has xmp profiles with 1.35v which is perfectly safe & has been tested at that voltage by the manufacturer.