3 GPUs in SLI

Feb 25, 2018
Hello guys,
I own GB GTX1070 and now i bought 2 units GTX ASUS 1070ti. Is it possible for these three cards to work in SLI mode? I have read that identical cards can be used in SLI - but here comes the question are 1070 and 1070ti identical?
Also could you give me advice what kind of motherboard should I look for? There are many MB with 3xPCI 16x, should I have in mind other parameters?
My idea at the end is to have better experience in gaming and meanwhile to mine with three cards.
Thanks in advance!

You can do that, you can have SLI in your system and then as many seperate card in...
No, 2 reasons. The cards must be the same gpu, the 1070 & 1070Ti are not the same.

The second reason is the latest 10xx series only support 2 way sli.

With sli support on the decline even 2 way sli is usually best avoided. 3 way sli has always had poor performance scaling. I would have gone with a 1080Ti instead of 2x1070Ti’s.
Feb 25, 2018

Ok, but if I would like to use the two 1070ti as SLI, and third card to be separate - will it work - SLI for gaming with the two cards and three cards for mining later on? Should I disconnect the 3-th GPU whale gaming?
Also please give recommendations what should I look for regarding parameters while choosing SLI MB.


Apr 25, 2016

You can do that, you can have SLI in your system and then as many seperate card in the system as you want, it will not cause any issues and you don't need to un-plug them.

When buying SLI motherboard, look if it supports SLI, obvioiusly, but check how many lines does the PCIe slots, since you're going two card SLI, you don't need to worry about that. You may want to also look at the PCIe slot spacing and check it with your cards height so you don't end up having the cards not fitting because they're too high.
Feb 25, 2018

Thank you for the answer. At the moment this is the MB that i have chosen - http://. What is your opinion?