R9 290 being maxed out with a youtube video?

Feb 27, 2018
My GPU feels like it has gotten progressively worse since I bought it roughtly 3 years ago, but now if I try and play a simply youtube video on any of my 3 monitors, it brings my utilization up to 50%, 2 youtube videos playing on different monitors? 100%. Twitch streams react exactly the same way, surely a couple of video streams cant be that intensive to max out my gpu that was top of the line when I bought it, am I missing something? My CPU is fine during all this.

What my task manager looks like w/ 1 youtube video playing: https://gyazo.com/a3227363e10e727f00a03e1574f54190
What my task manager looks like w/ 2 youtube videos playing: https://gyazo.com/afc826b7cdbd2e2fe46cb5bb24e1429a
Full spec sheet: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/reesespike/saved/4Bjbt6