What good quality, low power PSUs are available?


Oct 1, 2013
I'm building a new PC and I want it to be quite a bit less demanding than my current setup. I'm looking to just be running the i3-8100 and a GT 1030, so I'm looking for a PSU with 300W of power but there doesn't seem to be many of them. I've found this one by beQuiet! but I'm not sure how well it fares:
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I think you may be confused on a PSU wattage and power consumption. If you are running a system with 150 watts on a 300 watt PSU you are getting the same power consumption as you would running the same system on a 500 watt PSU (I am ignoring the efficiency rating for now). So just because you get a 500 watt PSU, does not mean that you using 500 watts. That just means it can push 500 watts. It will only push 500 watts if the system draws that much...
Typically there is very little price difference between a 300-400watt PSU and a 500 watt. So even though you only need 300 watts. You wont pay much, if any, less for a 500 watt.

For a system that you are building, it is fairly budget, so I would not spend too much on the PSU. Here is a decent budget PSU from Seasonic that will get the job done and you will have some room for growth if you decide to upgrade from the 1030.

PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/cDscCJ
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/cDscCJ/by_merchant/

Power Supply: SeaSonic - 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($34.90 @ Newegg)
Total: $34.90
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-03-09 17:52 EST-0500


Oct 1, 2013

I've used a CX before, and whilst it's reliability for my needs have been great, the power consumption is wayyyy above what I need.
Are there not less powerful alternatives?

the pc uses what it needs. I would get it.
550w isnt "too powerful"

I think you may be confused on a PSU wattage and power consumption. If you are running a system with 150 watts on a 300 watt PSU you are getting the same power consumption as you would running the same system on a 500 watt PSU (I am ignoring the efficiency rating for now). So just because you get a 500 watt PSU, does not mean that you using 500 watts. That just means it can push 500 watts. It will only push 500 watts if the system draws that much.

Additionally, PSUs also have efficiency ratings. The higher the rating, the more power efficient they are. But the scale is not linear. When a 300 watt PSU is pushing 300 watts, it is not doing it as efficiently as a 500 watt PSU pushing 300 watts. So getting a quality 500 watt PSU will probably be more efficient, less power consumption, than the 300 watt counterpart. For most 80+ PSUs, optimal efficiency is 80% of the PSU capacity.