"Remote Remote Desktop" via Web


Sep 5, 2013
Hi All,

I am working on a project for which I need to RDP into an AWS EC2 Windows Server 2016 instance.

Unfortunately, even though the project is work-related, I cannot RDP from my Work Computer's RDP Client, as outgoing RDP Connections are not allowed by my work's IT Policy.

I am wondering if there is any service that allows me to "remotely" remote Desktop into the AWS EC2 instance.

Basically, what I mean is some web service, that allows me to RDP through their servers, and then displays the RDP connection via HTTP in my browser (Similiar to the service of http://ping.online-domain-tools.com/ for pinging, but just for RDP).



Unfortunately, even though the project is work-related, I cannot RDP from my Work Computer's RDP Client, as outgoing RDP Connections are not allowed by my work's IT Policy.

This is an issue that needs to be resolved internally, as any possible solution would likely also violate your company's IT Policy. Have your supervisor provide your IT policy team requirements and justification to either allow you to RDP externally or provide you with space external to your internal network that you can work from.

-Wolf sends


Then you have an internal conflict of interests that needs to be resolved by the next level up the chain of command or a way to set up a test AWS EC2 server beyond a test firewall, still internal to your network. Personally, I do not know of any way to remotely control an RDP (or any other remote) session connected to a third computer.

-Wolf sends


Sep 5, 2013
@Wolfshadw: Yes, absolutely agree. I am also not sure if it would be a smart move to try to circumvent IT Policies here on my own, even though the project is definitley worth working on.

@SkyNetRising: Yes, I actually found something similar in Guacamole, which however also needs to be installed on a server. There seems to be no existing service which runs Guacamole or the service you recommended.

If I cannot resolve this internally at the moment, I will probably end up working on the Project from home for the time being :(