Should I get the GTX 1060 now? Or should I sit on it?


Apr 25, 2016
I have a bit older SLI setup, a pair of GTX 670's which runs most of my games at 1080p without a problem at decent settings such as 250fps on CSGO at 1080p on maxed settings on single card but the 2GB holds me back, especially in games like GTA V. The card prices did drop slightly and you can pick up a new GTX 1060 3GB for the same price as a MSRP GTX 1060 6GB. I plan to two-way SLI GTX 1060's to mine on the cards to return the costs of them.

I had the two-way SLI GTX 670's for over 3 years and I was able to return what I paid for one of the cards fairly quickly as my house has solar panels so I don't have to take electricity costs into considerations and currently I'm making back what I paid for on the second card which is what I plan to do with the GTX 1060's, and since I already get over 250fps on the 670's on CSGO on single card, I'm able to disable SLI and mine on one card and play on the other without any performance loss.

But should I wait until the prices drop even more and get the 6GB version rather than buy the 3GB cards now for the price of MSRP 6GB? People say the prices for 10 series card should drop below MSRP when Volta cards come out, which if it's true, I can get the 1080's and SLI them but how long could it take until Volta cards come out? Thanks


Mar 9, 2007
So there's a few issues. SLI for the most part is dead. They changed the way that SLI works and it depends on the game developer to build in support for SLI for it to have benefits. Most developers are chosing not to do the extra coding to support SLI. You'll have to check on your specific games. I just wouldn't play on SLI for your next upgrade. I think you're better off decreasing detail settings until the volta cards come out and jump on that bandwagon. the 1060/80 series are pretty old and far overpriced even without taking in the data mining usage which is eating up cards.


Apr 25, 2016
I think I worded myself wrongly in the main thread.

I don't want SLI to get better performance in games, just simply so I can mine on one card while I game on the other to do the same thing that I did with my GTX 670's; to return the cost.

But for example if I want to play a game at high settings or the game supports it, I can just pause mining, enable SLI and play the game.

On a daily basis and majority of the time, I will just use one of the 1060's card to game on. I returned the costs of my GTX 670 which was brand new just after two years, which also includes many hours that mining was paused on it and I gamed in SLI plus for over a year I didn't mine at night due to the noise, but ever since I watercooled my cards, I started mining at night which was only about a year ago and the cost returned after just two years. Due to my previous experience, I expect to return the cost of one of the 1060's in a year to year and a half time.


How do you mine at night with solar panels? That's a great battery you have installed.

1060 doesn't support SLI. So you can't do that. You can run two cards and mine on one and game on the other. But that's not running SLI. I think that's the confusing part. Considering the cost of cards currently I think what I'd do is get a single 1060, mine on one 670, and sell a 670. In the future as you upgrade I'd move the old main gaming card to the mining slot, and sell the old mining card.