New Android Phone battery draining fast


Jul 2, 2017
Hi Guys

So my I've gotten a new phone a few weeks ago, the Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017) and I've noticed the battery life is draining really fast, like it'll be on 90% before I go to bed and and It's got 50% of the battery left.
I've checked my display settings, notifications, background apps usage and battery usage but nothing seems out of the ordinary. The only thing I'm using my phone for at the moment is Amazon music and Chrome. I decided to factory reset last night and still my battery is draining faster than old phone.

I have also checked my battery usage vs my dads phone in the same conditions and his lasts longer, which is weird.

Any help is appreciated :)


Jul 2, 2017
Thanka for the help guys i've done everything you said helpstar and if we only had one of these phones i'd think it was just normal drain for that battery.
But, when compared to thw same phone under the same conditions this one performs worse.
Were taking it back to the store to get a refund and replacing it so thanks for all the help
Oh, and sorry for the downvote i misclicked because of an advert -.-