1050ti 4GB hard fps drops on rainbow six siege low settings why?

Mar 22, 2018
I have a 1050Ti 4gb palit overclock edition i'm using 1366x768 resolution.
Whenever i play games it just drops like damn it's annoying not just rainbow six siege but even in pubg league is smooth but it's avg around 40-60 it's annoying cause this gpu is 1050ti 4gb lol anyway if anyone would help it's appreciated fast response please.
Drivers updated from GeForce Experience.

1050Ti palit 4GB OC edition

Don;t rush. Always study before making the purchase.
1080 Ti - top end
1080 - very high end
1070/Ti - high end
1060 - mid-range
1050 Ti - entry level
1050 - low end
1030 - bottom end

The 1050 Ti isn't exactly a superstar. You then paired an entry level card with a bottom end APU that hurts performance even more. Nothing is wrong with your PC. It's performing as expected and only upgrades will help.


Aug 27, 2016

I would suggest a ryzen 3... however, if you get a ryzen 3 you will also need to change your motherboard! Although just to be clear, you might be being bottlenecked by your gpu, not your cpu.
Mar 22, 2018

I do know it's an entry level gpu but 40fps on league? c'mon man seriously?

Mar 22, 2018

I would love to go ryzen 3 and changing mother board doesn't hurt but i'm thinking about intel just to pair them what do you think?


Very serious. You are using a CPU that shouldn't be used for gaming. I am a gamer. As such I chose the 4690K a couple years ago. That A10 is about $100 less expensive and a lot less powerful. You should research your next build a little more or save some more money. I took a little over 9 months to save just for my gfx card. You have to pay to play. You haven't so you're stuck on the outside looking in.


Aug 27, 2016

It depends on your personal position. However Ryzen 3 is a great price point considering what you get, and is definitely better than intel's offering. "at the same price point". The highner Ryzen 3 cpu's give you 4 cores for about $100 roughly.
Mar 22, 2018

Alright then i'm going to buy ryzen 7 tomorrow with a new mother board i just got the computer as a gift and decided to buy a 1050ti but didn't know processors are being picky with their gpu's maybe next time i'll just ask here before buying thanks anyway


Aug 27, 2016

Technically, what you said is not completely accurate. My current CPU specs are AMD APU A6 - 7310 2.0Ghz. Now that is not definitely not very impressive and is even less impressive than his A12 APU. However, i can play games which are about 5 years old (which is ancient on PC terms) at a reasonable fromrate roughly 30-60fps depending on specific game and graphcs settings. There is more to whether or not someone CAN and SHOULD play games on a very low end CPU/APU. You should take into account your graphics settings/Framerate/Resolution/And other things which i have probably not thought about at this moment. Also, there is no such thing as "THIS thing is meant for THIS task"
. That is nothing more than a marketing ploy.
A cpu upgrade will need a new motherboard and RAM. If you have budget for Ryzen 7 then for gaming only the i5 8400/8600k or i7 8700/8700k are better options. Ryzen only wins at the budget end or if you need to do more than just gaming. You would be better off starting a build thread with a budget for the whole setup.

And that's in line with 2500K's performance. The 2500K is from almost 7 years ago. I'd stay away from the 1200. That would be moving from the frying pan into the fire. Aim for nothing less than the Ryzen 5 1400. or the i5 8400. The 8400 is only $179 and does outperform the 1400 in gaming for about $30 more. That's worth it imo.

While what you say may be true it doesn't really help the OP out of their current issue. Better? Sure. Appropriate upgrade? Not imo.


Aug 27, 2016

Sorry i should have specified exactly which CPU i was referring to, yes the 1200 is not going to be as useful however i was assuming he would buy the highest Ryzen 3, the 1300X CPU. I also assumed he may be on a budget.


Is a 1080 Ti meant for Pong and Tetris? No, it is meant for high end gaming. I am not offering marketing terms. I didn't say the OP should but a gaming CPU. What I said was technically correct. The OP was having an issue with a game. The reason is because of the CPU. Your solution was to go up a rung on the ladder. All that for over $100. That's a waste of money. If the OP goes for the 1200 I think that'll big a big waste.

You're having CPU issues? go for the $93 CPU. It'll be better than your $115 CPU. It's about 15% better. You can't pick on price alone. This I know. Still that "upgrade" you suggested barely qualifies.


Aug 27, 2016

Personally i would wait until april, since the Ryzen 2 (second generation) chips are coming out then. They will supposedly be at the same price points as The first Ryzen chips. However, they should be faster and possibly using the 7nm lithography.


Aug 27, 2016

Ummm??? 1080 Ti??? I am pretty sure he said 1050 Ti... Which falls in the range of budget GPU. You, yourself even classified the 1050 Ti into the Entry Level Category, did you not? Now you are saying that it is for high end gaming? I will first of all, assume you are references that is intent is to playing AAA-titles at around 60 fps and 1080p on atleast moderate presets if not the highest presets in-game. If that is the benchmark you wish to achieve then it is highly possible that the GPU is the bottleneck SINCE, it is a GTX 1050 Ti....... Note the 50 in the name.

I was also referring to the Ryzen 3 1300X.... Not the 1200.

:D The 1080 Ti was an example of something that is meant for gaming. The A12 9800 is an example of something not meant for gaming. The OP is proof of that.

Ahhh, the 1300x. Better. Specifics help. See what I get for assuming?

:D The 1080 Ti was an example of something that is meant for gaming. The A12 9800 is an example of something not meant for gaming. The OP is proof of that.

Ahhh, the 1300x. Better. Specifics help. See what I get for assuming?


Aug 27, 2016

Why would you be using a GPU as 1 exmaple? and then a CPU as another example?

I should correct myself, and you, I should have used the word "infer" not assume... As i made an inference based upon the previous evidence which was provided.

You stated "Is a 1080 Ti meant for Pong and Tetris? No, it is meant for high end gaming".

And also "

1080 Ti - top end
1080 - very high end
1070/Ti - high end
1060 - mid-range
1050 Ti - entry level
1050 - low end
1030 - bottom end

I was not referring to the GTX 1080 Ti as the "Marketing ploy". Nor was i referring to any of the specified CPU/GPU as a marketing ploy. I was referring to "what is considered....meant for gaming" as the marketing ploy... It is sucha broad concept, since almost all cpu's will be able to play run games on them (depending on the game). Thereby making what you said "technically inaccurate". Which is why you must take into account all the settings being used while playing the games in question.

Note - the concept of "Meant for gaming" Is the marketing ploy.

Firstly, it appeared as though you were implying that the entry level GPU 1050 Ti was not meant for gaming since it is an entry level. You should not use a gpu example in combination with a cpu example. It is just confusing.

Secondly, i was not saying that the CPU, SHOULD be used for gaming, i was saying that it COULD be used for gaming. Whereas you implied that it would be unable to be used for most/all games.

As noted by the fact that OP was playing Rainbow six Siege which.... even though there might be significant fps dips. It would depend on what exactly you are playing, since he also mentioned pugb and league averaging around 40-60 fps

On a side note... An analogy of what you are saying is the same as what most people are saying but the RX Vega 64 and Vega Frontier Edition... Yes... according to AMD themselves the the Vega Frontier Edition IS NOT MEANT FOR GAMING..... However, both the Vega 64 and the Vega Frontier Edition.... Will perform approximately the same in games. Albeit, you will need to change your settings in Vega Frontier Edition... to "Gamer Mode". BUT, for all intents and purposes, they will perform approximately the same in most gaming related scenarios.

Do take into account the specific referncing of the vega should not be taken into consideration, i am referring to the concept of what "is to be considered meant for gaming, and NOT meant for gaming". Since 40-60 fps would be considered by most casual gamers as decent, it would also be considered playable/meant for gaming (in relation to whatever components are achieving these 40-60 fps results).

So about the CPU..... YES, technically it is NOT meant for gaming, however, Practically, it IS meant for gaming, since it can achieve the desired results when paired with the GTX 1050 Ti. (For most games which are not CPU dependant..... and which are not the latest AAA-titles)

I would also like to note that yes the i5 8400 is definitely a better offering, however i would also like to note that i am not as familiar with the 8 gen i5 series... as much as i am with the 8 gen i7 series.... or even more so, Ryzen CPU's.... Since his APU was an AMD APU... I had thought of suggesting a a "low-level" CPU Which would give a bit of a bump in performance... YES, the i5 8400 is better... however, how much will the motherboard for it cost? Will he also need to change other components?

I also inferred that he did not have enough money for a complete build of his own. Since he got the PC as "a gift". And only added the 1050 Ti after he got the PC. The 1050 Ti costs approximately $250 last time i checked 2 about 2 months ago, although the price might have skyrocketed due to mining.

More parameters and variables of what both our standards are should have been referenced before starting this debated, otherwise if we have TWO different "bars" so to speak... which we are trying to reach, will will both end up with TWO different answers.
