GTX 1070 Temperatures

Mar 6, 2018
Hello everyone!
I'm using a GTX 1070 ASUS TURBO for almost 2 years and i started to notice that my gpu temperatures in idle are at 56-59 *C . I'm using ASUS GPU TWEAK 2 for OC (haven't OC that much).Idk if it helps u or not but i started to see the high temperatures raising 1 week ago when uninstalled GPU Tweak 2 and reinstalled it.I'm using the auto function for fan speed which is 24-30% in idle from the factory . I haven't changed the fan speed ever bcs i thought i might "break" the GPU and i can't afford another one.
So my questions are : "Is it ok to have these temperatures? / Should i move to MSI Afterburner? / Should i let the fan speed to auto?
Thanks in advance!
That is fine. At idle they try to balance noise vs temps, and low noise is far more important at idle, and given that there are models whose fans don't even turn on until 60C holding it to around there is fine.