Keep safe when using work vpn

May 1, 2018
My work place allows work from home through a Cisco vpn client.
They don't supply a computer or laptop so I would use my personal computer. I wanted to know how can I keep my computer safe from the work vpn?

Would creating a guest user(non admin) help?. So when I use the vpn it would be through this guest user so there are no folders or sensitive information.

Thank you
Any information will help.
May 1, 2018

Thank you

I'm trying to find out how to keep safe from Work VPN. I wanted to make sure that my personal computers folders or data isn't pulled into the work
Vpn. I was thinking make a new user could help this. It would a user that has no admin right or folders.

Your data won't be pulled into anything, all you are doing it creating a network connection between your house and work office, it won't do anything to your data. The only thing that will happen is that your computer will be acting like it's sitting in that other office. The only risk is that someone with admin rights could then see your computer and access it through the default hidden share. But they would need to actively do that. Your data and files don't get sucked from your computer to some server at work just because you connected to their VPN.

Did you even get the OK from work to connect with your personal system? Most places would not allow that due to security risks. We let vendors on our VPN but only after we check their systems and run several virus scans.

You at first said they did not supply you with a system, then said they did but it was slow. If they gave you one, they probably expect you to use that to connect. Did you talk to the IT department about this?