How to find unknown IP

May 16, 2018
how can I find the IP of a certain device if the only thing I know is IP must be something like X.X.4.135? First 2 octets unknown. This device and my PC are connected to the same switch. IP scanner? how should I configure my network interface? thx
You will have to change your IP to one in each subnet and see if you get response to arp. I would try all the private ip ranges first. It is not likely a device uses a public ip.
It likely is going to be a massive problem. It is not so much the unknown octets in the first 2 positions it is you not know the subnet mask.

In general a network that functions all devices will have the same subnet mask and the corresponding bit position will be the same. The problem with any scanner software is it must send out ARP messages to find the device. The ARP is sent on the broadcast IP for the subnet. If the subnet mask it wrong it will send the ARP on the wrong ip and the machine will never hear it.

May 16, 2018

subnet mask, that´s for sure