Bitlocker drives 'Parameter is incorrect'


Oct 31, 2012
Hello all,

I am running the latest Windows 10 64bit, Here is my build on PC Parts Picker:

I am having an odd random issue. I have 7 internal hard drives on my machine. 2 SSD's (one M.2 and the other Sata), and 5 standard HDDs. I run a small project studio where I have people in and out all the time, so on 3 of my drives I have them Bitlocked so the can not be accessed by randoms.

Sometimes, not all the time, I will go to unlock 1 of the 3 drives, or sometimes I'll try and unlcok all of them, and I will put in my password to unlock it, go to open the drive and get a (drive letter) not accessible/ The parameter is incorrect." Sometimes I can unlock all the drives with no issues, sometimes 2 of the drives will unlock but no the third (in no order). Sometimes all of them unlock. It seems to happen at random. Once I do a system reboot, I can usually unlock the drives without issues.

Is there something that I can look into to what could be causing this? Like I said, its at random and doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes all the drives have issues when I try and unlock them, sometimes only one or two do it.

Any advice or possible tips would be appreciated. Thanks!


Oct 31, 2012

I have everything backed up in a 16TB NAS system, but I can't see where ALL my hard drives are problematic. 2 of them are brand new. I have Hard Disk Sentinel running in the background at all times, and it shows me no issues on that end. I have also used Western Digital lifeguard utility with no issues there.

Did you check with MS support sites about the error with bitlocker? Outside of a failing hard drive I have not seen the parameter is incorrect error when accessing drives.

Is anything overclocked? If there are CPU or RAM issues with them not working properly I can see odd things happening.


Feb 6, 2017

As he said, you should contact Microsoft forums too for that.