WiFi sharing via Ethernet cable

Jun 1, 2018
I'm trying to share my WiFi from PC to my laptop via Ethernet straight-through cable. I'm using my MOAB ethernet port for the first time, so maybe is something off there... I know I can just connect to WiFi, but this is just test for something else. To sum up, when I try share my wireless network via Sharing, I'm getting Unidentified network. I shared my wireless network to that network, and I left all IPv4 config to auto. On my laptop, I can see connection, but point from laptop to Internet is broken. Troubleshooting gave me "Default gateway is not set", but if I have to set it, I have to have static IP configuration. I tried bridging too, but still nothing. I have seen a lot of tutorials, etc, but everything is that simple and it should work. I tried connecting laptop directly in router and it works fine.

EDIT: Any soultion is acceptable, sharing or bridging, altough bridging is easier for host PC (no routing done)
