I Can not upgrade my CPU without upgrading everything basically and I am being held back significantly.

Jun 13, 2018
I am trying to upgrade my CPU to something nicer so i can run games such as rust and although my current AMD-FX8150 does an amazing job at running basically everything and most games. I feel as if it is holding me back and my MOBO is older and i also have DDR3 which is not really compatible with a a lot of higher end CPU's i would like to upgrade to. PLEASE HELP!!! this is my Machine for reference http:// I want to be able to boost my performance with having to replace the least ( I know we all do but I am not sure what to do). Thank you!
Not really anywhere to go with that system

I'd say it's fairly balanced as it stands.

As you already know, newer,platforms require ddr4 so an upgrade is going to be full & expensive.

You have a decent board & a very good cpu cooler.
Overclocking would boost performance but still not massively.

Jun 13, 2018

That's the answer i was pretty sure of and afraid of. thank you though! i will probably just try to stretch it out as long as possible till i have some real money.


You could "side step" into something 2-4 gen Intel for better single core perf. I cannot recall if 5th gen used DDR3. I 46/4790K would do wonders over the current build IMO. The big issue, as I see it, is everything will be used/refurb/limited selection.

My advice would be to go with an AM4 mobo and a Ryzen. Even if you go "cheap", there is a nice upgrade path there with AMD saying they are going to stick to that socket for a while. Even still, if you start with a 1200 to get running and then step up later, it's a great way to go. Biggest pitfall right this moment will be that DDR4.