Help fixing water in keyboard


Aug 25, 2014
Recently I spilt water on my keyboard (no ****) and I need help fixing it.

Im wondering if im able to open it to dry it out or something,. It's a razer ornato chroma. The keyboard worked fine for a few hours, but then when I press one key, a row top to bottom would be pressed (or spammed). I left it on its side hoping to dry out. next day it worked fine for about 10 minutes, but then the keys from "Z to ?" stopped working (excluding C and N). I left it on its side for another 2 days and no change has happened.

Please I need help with this. I hate using this sticky old slim keyboard. (its really sticky) and i want to avoid buying a 5th keyboard (not the same model or brand)
Dude you should have immediately unplugged it and not used it. Remember, you will not kill anything if it is not connected to power, which you may very well have done. Good luck. I run my keyboards annually through a non-soap dishwasher cycle to keep them clean. All that needs to happen is ensure they are dried out for days. You may have killed yours by trying to continue to use it. Let it air dry for a few days. Good luck.
Dude you should have immediately unplugged it and not used it. Remember, you will not kill anything if it is not connected to power, which you may very well have done. Good luck. I run my keyboards annually through a non-soap dishwasher cycle to keep them clean. All that needs to happen is ensure they are dried out for days. You may have killed yours by trying to continue to use it. Let it air dry for a few days. Good luck.


Aug 25, 2014

If I killed it, I will try sell it saying its fully working :lol: I'll wait longer and hope it does fix itself. Thanks.

(p.s. you put keyboards in the dishwasher?! Never heard that before)