APU Ryzen 5 2400G


Aug 23, 2017
i am going to buy the ryzen 5 2400g and i found that gets 2 gb of your system memory so that does mean that if i have a 8gb ram it will get 2gb of them and leave me with 6gb ram? ex i will play csgo with 6gb ram instead of 8gb?

Edit: Will it means that i will need to add a 4gb or 2 gb ram or even a 8gb ram?


No, you won't use dedicated graphics, so the processor relies on system memory. It will typically use 1GB, leaving you with 7GB max, but the max you can increase this space is 2GB,leaving you with 6GB. So unless you tinker with it it won't use more than 1GB.
EDIT: No, if you leave it at 1GB you won't need to add extra RAM, you will be fine with just 8GB.
Correct. CSGO should run fine with 6GB of RAM. If not, then your better off just buying a 2x8GB kit of memory.

For Ryzen especially, you don't want to just stick more random memory into your system, that will hinder performance and there's a high chance of it not working. This is why it's always best to just buy a new kit of memory. I recommend a 2x8GB kit of Ryzen Certified 3000-3200MHz RAM. (You might need time to save up, since memory is quite expensive ATM)

However, I do have a better solution, since memory is very expensive right now (around $180 for 16GB of 3000mhz RAM), buy a GTX 1050 Ti and disable your IGPU so you get all 8GB of memory back to your CPU. The 1050 ti will be FAR faster than the APU's built in IGPU for gaming.