I'm Trying to Upgrade Without Breaking Bank or Computer

Jul 6, 2018
So, there's a bit of a story. In 2012 I bought a prebuilt computer from Best Buy. Six years ago, I had a blast playing smaller titles and a little video editing with Sony Vegas. Finally though, last year, I decided to put some real money into a good rig. I built my new computer, ready for VR action. Only thing is, it kinda broke my bank. That computer is at another residence, and since I switch ever so often, I can't play a lot of Steam games that I play on my other rig. This time around I'm trying to be much more cost efficient. Simply, I came up with an idea to try to revamp my old PC and see if that works. No, I'm not trying to plug in a new graphics card and "Voila!" playing Far Cry 5 on max settings. I'm just trying to see if I can, without frying my motherboard or anything else, add a new PSU and graphics card. Using FinneousPJ's handy dandy (I'm sorry) format, here's the roundup:

Approximate Purchase Date: It doesn't matter to me, although I will definitely wait for a good sale.

Budget Range: It looks like I only need a new PSU and a new graphics card. Must be under $200. I'm aiming for $80-100 at most, but it may be hard to find something quality for that need.

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming (Not aiming for AAA titles at max settings at 60 fps, but I would like to play The Division on moderate settings, or at least Arkham City), Sony Vegas editing, watching Netflix.

Are you buying a monitor: No sir.

Parts to Upgrade: The power supply and graphics card. From 250 watt > potential 450 watt Corsair or 600 watt EVGA. Also, this one will make you gag, GT 710 1gb > EVGA GTX 460 1 GB GDDR5 or EVGA GTX 650 TI 1GB GDDR5. (Suggestions for other NVIDIA graphics cards that are more cost efficient, with similar price, are welcome.)

Do you need to buy OS: Nope.

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Newegg, Best Buy, Ebay, and Amazon.

Location: California, United States. (I am willing to drive anywhere in Southern California lol)

Parts Preferences: Definitely EVGA or Corsair for the PSU. I prefer EVGA for the graphics card, but ASUS or Zotac will do, if the price is cheaper.

Overclocking: Overclocking doesn't matter to me, as long as I can get a cost efficient card.

SLI or Crossfire: Not needed.

Your Monitor Resolution: I'm sticking with my Samsung SnycMaster T220 (1680 x 1050 60 hz 2ms) for now.

Additional Comments: As long as my computer isn't suffering, I'm fine with a louder system (just not a leaf blower.) Recap: I don't want my motherboard to fry since it is an older computer, and I simply want a decent upgrade if possible. I would like to play games like The Division, Just Cause 3, and Arkham City. FYI: I have a Phenom II x4 945, a GT 710 (yuck,) and a 250 watt Hantech PSU. I'm unsure the manufacturer of my motherboard, but it is Amibios. I would expect it to be somewhat reliable since it's from Best Buy. Update: It is the Amibios 1999 686.

And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: My GT 710 can barely run CS:GO. Or Warframe on the lowest settings. I would like to play some of the less demanding steam games I own on my other computer. Games like The Division, Just Cause 3, and Arkham City would be nice. In order to install a good graphics card I need a good PSU. I came here because I'm not a 100% tech enthusiast who knows the ins and outs. I'm unsure if my plan to upgrade my PSU and graphics card is safe for my system, or the card and PSU is a safe combo. Or if there's a potential better deal. It starts to get real confusing with so many options. Thanks for reading, I genuinely appreciate all and any help!

EVGA graphics cards I found for what seems to be a decent price:

Power Supplies I found for what seems to be a decent price:
450 Watt Corsair (2017 New Model):
600 Watt EVGA (80 Plus 12v):
[PCPartPicker part list](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/7sxWBP) / [Price breakdown by merchant](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/7sxWBP/by_merchant/)

**Video Card** | [Zotac - GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB Mini Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/NndFf7/zotac-geforce-gtx-1050-ti-4gb-mini-video-card-zt-p10510a-10l) | $169.99 @ B&H
**Power Supply** | [SeaSonic - 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/TgW9TW/seasonic-power-supply-m12ii520bronze) | $39.99 @ Newegg
| *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* |
| Total (before mail-in rebates) | $224.98
| Mail-in rebates | -$15.00
| **Total** | **$209.98**
| Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2018-07-06 19:08 EDT-0400 |
Heres what I would recommend. You could check prices at Fry's or Microcenter if you have one close.



They're not *THAT* old - release date was originally August 2012. So 6 years old. Still not really a wise investment in this day and age. If you're that tight on cash I'd consider a 960 at least.

And that EVGA PSU is utter garbage. The Corsair one is decent but I would go with a Seasonic model or an upper end EVGA model.
Jul 6, 2018

Ah I thought the EVGA looked a little weird for the price... a price that low for 600 watts was odd. Bmockeg seems to have covered the best solution to upgrading my computer. The mini 1050 ti Zotac seems to cover the best bang for buck, and paired with the Seasonic 520 watt, seems to fit with it very well. I didn't want to spend $200 on upgrading a computer several years old (especially when I already spent a bunch on the newest stuff for my new rig), but it looks like I'll have to. I don't mind it too much, just was hoping for a hidden gem of a deal.

I might end up just making an entirely new computer so my other parts don't bottleneck the GPU, and so it feels cleaner. One last question though, is it possible that it could fry my older motherboard (Amibios 1999 685, I had no idea it was this old)/hard drive if I were to choose to use the 1050 ti GPU and Seagate PSU suggested by Bmockeg?



Yeah the White Box (W) is an even cheaper version of the B series which are already cheap junk to begin with. With PSUs you always get what you pay for.

And yeah that's probably the wiser decision. I would definitely say save your money and build a fresh build - much easier to buy and upgrade parts that way.



Yes but this is a mass manufactured, prebuilt PC we're talking about here. Those aren't as easily upgradable as something you would build yourself.
Jul 6, 2018

Yup, that's what I'll be doing. Much more fun. I appreciate everyone's responses, thanks for the help!
Jul 6, 2018

Thank you very much for the consideration in price and parts. I've decided to save up and create a brand new rig. I'll likely be using these parts when creating it, thanks!