Can you adjust RAM speed outside of BIOS?

I recently had to turn down my RAM speed in order for my Oculus Rift to work properly. I don't know if that is an issue with my motherboard, or if that is something to do with the Oculus system itself, but I had to turn down the RAM speed from 2933 MHz to 2100 MHz to get it to work (it was really laggy in tracking and kept jumping around in virtual space until I did that). However, it would be nice to be able to run the RAM at speeds closer to what it's rated at, and then quickly adjust it when I want to use my Oculus without having to restart my computer. I can adjust my CPU speed from Asus' AI Suite 3, but I can't find anywhere that I can adjust my RAM speed. Is there a way that I can adjust the RAM speed on the fly, or is there another way that I can fix the issues I am having with the Oculus Rift that doesn't require me to adjust the RAM speed?

Here are the specks on my computer:
MB: Asus Z170-A
RAM: 32 GB (rated at 3200 MHz, running at 2100 MHz)
CPU: Intel i7 6700K running at 4.6 GHz (liquid cooled)
GPU: GTX 1070 x2 in SLI
OS: Windows 10 64 bit


No variant of JEDEC SDRAM supports live alteration of the bus clock.