Is my GPU/CPU bottlenecking?

Aug 13, 2018
Hi. As this is my first post and I am fairly new to these hardware debugging, I'll try my best to explain this.

First of all, here are my specs:

CPU: Intel Cire i3 4160 @3.60ghz
RAM: 6GB DDR3 1600mhz
GPU: GTX 1050 TI
Display is at 1080 60hz refresh rate

I am playing fortnite on the rig and the game seems to lag ever now and then. Plus, even if I keep the graphics settings at low, I get about 100-150 fps max. Is this normal? I also should mention that my HDD is at 80-100% when gaming or when used heavily. Like when I open my IDE/Photoshop/Chrome etc... Even sometimes with the system files running, it loads to 100%. My GPU when playing fortnite however sits at about 70-80% usage and my CPU is at 50-80%.

Is this normal? Or is it bottlenecking?
Your bottleneck is your RAM. You are using all your RAM causing the hard drive to pick up the slack which is way slower and will kill FPS. You need to increase your RAM as much as you can afford up to 16GB. Most games can use up to 8GB and the more background processes you have, the more RAM is used.
Your bottleneck is your RAM. You are using all your RAM causing the hard drive to pick up the slack which is way slower and will kill FPS. You need to increase your RAM as much as you can afford up to 16GB. Most games can use up to 8GB and the more background processes you have, the more RAM is used.