If a game Optimization is bad , can it lead to high temprature?

Aug 13, 2018
i played in many games but didnt have high temps over 67 c , but i just played this alpha early access game called holdfast nations at war and when i first played it my cpu and gpu temps where really high, then i used a custom fan control on the bios for cpu and afterburner for the gpu and the temps became normal again. So does bad opt/early access / alpha / un-finished games cause high temps and Some low drop FPS's ?
Game optimization can lead to poor FPS results, absolutely.

Some beta/alpha titles with poor optimization can be more demanding on hardware which, in turn, would raise temperatures - but you shouldn't be any hotter than you would be on a well optimized title maxed out.


Retired Moderator
Game optimization can lead to poor FPS results, absolutely.

Some beta/alpha titles with poor optimization can be more demanding on hardware which, in turn, would raise temperatures - but you shouldn't be any hotter than you would be on a well optimized title maxed out.