SSD temperature readings too high

Aug 15, 2018
Hello everyone
I just bought adata su650 ssd and finished the installation however there is a problem with temperature. My ssd is completely empty when i start my pc first readings are 40 ish degrees but it jumped into 55 degrees in 0.5 seconds and it continues to rise up to 62-63 degrees. I opened the side cover of my pc and touched the ssd while reading says its 64 degrees but when i touched it , its not even hot. So are there a problem with readings or my ssd has a problem?
Aug 15, 2018

I dont install any file to ssd. Its completely empty. I didnt install windows on it. In manufacturer's site it says operating temperature is between 0-70 degrees.
Aug 15, 2018

I am using HWMonitor , i used computer for 4 hours after i open up the program it shows 41 degrees and instantly rise to 55 degrees. I mean its not even goes degree by degree , it suddenly jumps to 55 degrees in miliseconds. ADATA toolbox says the same readings as HWmonitor.