GTX 1070 Ti vs RTX 2070 and bottlenecking


Sep 30, 2010
So I am thinking about upgrading my GTX 760s to a GTX 1070 Ti or RTX 2070. I am expecting them to run about the same speed but am concerned about bottle necking on something else, thoughts? I am upgrading to a 2560x1440 60Hz monitor and the common games I play are Insurgency: Sandstorm, War Thunder, World of Tanks, World of Warships, and Destiny 2.

CPU: Intel Core i5-4670 overclocked to 4.0 GHz

Memory: 16GB DDR3 1600

Storage: 1TB Samsung Evo 850

Video Card: GTX 1070 Ti or RTX 2070
2070 performance is unknown. I would wait until the test are up.
For 1440p 60Hz, GTX1070-1080 is the recommended, if you wanna max out games.
If you aim for 1440p 144/165Hz, 1080ti or better is your only option.
I5 4xxx can still serve you well with some small bottlenecking on some new proc heavy AAA games. I would not worry about your I5 4xxx yet.
Buying 1070, 1070ti and 1080 is a bit tricky since the price is overlapping. You need to do your homework well before buying.
Rough performance guide:
1080 > 1070ti >1070
115% > 107%> 100%
Pick the best priced one or wait and see how 2070 performs :)
2070 performance is unknown. I would wait until the test are up.
For 1440p 60Hz, GTX1070-1080 is the recommended, if you wanna max out games.
If you aim for 1440p 144/165Hz, 1080ti or better is your only option.
I5 4xxx can still serve you well with some small bottlenecking on some new proc heavy AAA games. I would not worry about your I5 4xxx yet.
Buying 1070, 1070ti and 1080 is a bit tricky since the price is overlapping. You need to do your homework well before buying.
Rough performance guide:
1080 > 1070ti >1070
115% > 107%> 100%
Pick the best priced one or wait and see how 2070 performs :)