How to backup ssd?


Clone, if you want.
I find a full clone too restrictive. You only get a single fallback point.

I much prefer a full Image, and then a series of Incremental or Differential images.
You can save multiple days of recovery level ni the same consumed drive space as a single "clone".

And, you can use the rest of that HDD for whatever you wish.
You should back up your important data to some sort of EXTERNAL device.

I have a spare Samsung ssd and I use the Samsung ssd migration app to copy my C drive to the new ssd.
If I wanted to, I could then swap devices and know I have a proven good copy.




Clone, if you want.
I find a full clone too restrictive. You only get a single fallback point.

I much prefer a full Image, and then a series of Incremental or Differential images.
You can save multiple days of recovery level ni the same consumed drive space as a single "clone".

And, you can use the rest of that HDD for whatever you wish.