Need help choosing between 2 B450 motherboards


Jan 9, 2018
I need help deciding which one to get. I don't see a big difference, but I would like someone to see if there's something I am missing. From what I can read, there seems to be more "cooling" options on the Aorus? Is it worth to spend an extra $10 on the "Aorus M" over the "DS3H"? I am using this for gaming mostly. here is a list of my current build (the motherboard is undecided of course)

Here are the motherboards:

One more thing: Under the specs and memory type for these boards, they have specific "memory types" for the dd4. My ram is DDR4 2666mhz, and it is not listed on what the memory type for the boards are. Are all DDR4 mhz types compatible with these boards? Excuse my ignorance. Thank you!


Feb 27, 2015

Best bang for buck suggestion so far i.e. get more cores and a better motherboard....hope you've not made your purchase yet for a lot of deals are starting to come through
Example: which a far better motherboard [VRM wise] than the listed 2 above though it costs $100 and its ATX
While the Ryzen 2000 series clock faster than 1st gen Ryzens, the 1700 offers you 2 cores four threads extra
The 1st gen Ryzens are better suited for manual overclocking to help you squeeze the max out of your CPUs
That's more longevity there beyond strictly gaming
If you have the ballistix memory already, fingers crossed it will work
If not, check the QVL list of motherboard you'll eventually get
All this are suggestions, the choice is yours to make though
Good luck