Paralell Computing Helo

Jun 28, 2018
Hello, I am looking for a good computer and am either going to build one or get some cheap ones and put them together to make a paralell computer. Im not sure which is going to be the best option on a low budget. From what ive been able to research is the best place to get a pc if im building it but if im going to make a paralell computer i can get cheap ones on amazon even or in lots like offlease ones. I Admit i dont have much to spend as of right now but i can always add to it as i go along and add more if/when i need it. I only care about the performance aspect not the look or size of it that it takes up only about the performance. I can start with 2 or 3 cheap pcs off amazon that have 8 gb ram and 1tb harddrive and hook them together to make a more poweful cluster.(i even saw a 16 gb ram with 1 tb harddrive and have seen a 256gb ssd instead of the harddrive too) so this would be about $400 for that and wouldn't that be faster than just one pc? I could also get a few cheap gpus like 4 or 6 gb for around $60 to put in the pcs also. would that be cheaper and more powerful than building onemy self? ive never actually built a pc before so im not sure about how reasonable custom pc building companies are(or arent). I know that Aventum and 8pac are the 2 best ones but is it reasonable to buy a more expensive and powerful pc and pay monthly? Even partial answers would be much appreciated by someone who knows more than i do and could guide me in the right way.


What problem do you believe having a cluster will solve? Only very specialized software will utilize clustered resources. If you want to build a cluster as a learning exercise, I would recommend 6 or 8 Raspberry PIs. You need more than 4 nodes, IMO, to see the challenges of clustered computing.