Data usage (gaming)


Mar 12, 2017
Hey so I play overwatch. My internet where I live is horrendous sitting at minimum 600png. So I use mobile data to do my gaming (60-80png).I have 10gigs of data at my leisure and that should be plenty correct.
Playing overwatch with voice chat has used 6gigs in 2 weeks (1-3h sessions). Does this seem excessive. If it seems normal just say so and I'll carry on with my day. If it seems like a lot how can I fix how much data its using.
Thanks in advance.
Well from my knowledge 70ms (ping) should be roughly 70mb per hour, test it.
Voice chat uses i think the same.
If we do math 140mb per hour x3h - is 420mb, in week 3Gb/s.
As far as I know from experience voice chat uses same data (Games do download data and upload, ping pong , or ping).