Dangerously High Temperatures

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Jan 16, 2019
Hi. I have a simple question today. My fan is broken on my laptop, and my GPU can get up to very high temperatures sometimes.

I'm wondering where the line is drawn in regards to safe temperatures and unsafe temperatures for my GPU to reach. Sometimes it reaches 80C while idling and I've seen it go up to 100C while gaming. How high can I go with my GPU temperatures before it starts to damage hardware?
Those are way to high. You need to have the manufacturer replace it (if under warranty), replace the fan yourself (if you feel capable), or take it to a local tech.

You should never run a computer without a working fan. It doesn't take much to fry a GPU, and possibly other components, if the fan isn't working. Meaning you can either get the fan replaced right away, or plan on getting a lot more replaced, possibly even needing a new laptop.

Me I would not turn it on until you get the fan replaced. It is way cheaper to get it fixed (and have a little patience while you wait to have it fixed) than to have it fry parts. Just saying.
Those are way to high. You need to have the manufacturer replace it (if under warranty), replace the fan yourself (if you feel capable), or take it to a local tech.

You should never run a computer without a working fan. It doesn't take much to fry a GPU, and possibly other components, if the fan isn't working. Meaning you can either get the fan replaced right away, or plan on getting a lot more replaced, possibly even needing a new laptop.

Me I would not turn it on until you get the fan replaced. It is way cheaper to get it fixed (and have a little patience while you wait to have it fixed) than to have it fry parts. Just saying.
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